marian divertida

Marian Nieto


“I am a lawyer practising in JLCA & AS.- Lawyers. I am mainly in charge of drafting bank claims, attending trials and researching to strengthen the defence of our court cases.

I am passionate about working with people who are cheerful, friendly and able to solve any possible obstacle that may arise on a daily basis. My greatest motivation is to work as a lawyer, and whether it goes well or not, it motivates me to know that I have done my best to defend what I consider to be fair and just.

Despite my inability to sometimes disconnect , I need the sea, to practise sport, a tasty marinera sauce with an ‘Estrella Levante’ beer, and I love my dog Bimbo”.







  • Law Degree, University of Alicante, Spain
  • Masters in access to Legal Profession, University of Alicante and School for legal practise, ICALI, Spain
  • Law Degree, University of Murcia, Spain



  • Spanish
  • English
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